15 May 2008

Hot Chip and Santogold

I know Hot Chip's album came out several months ago, but I couldn't really get into it then. However, I've been listening to it the past few days and I've really been digging it. It's different from The Warning, but it's still extremely intricate with lots of bass. With some good headphones you can really appreciate all the different sounds and chords in there / dance to it. These are two of my favorite tracks from Made in the Dark. Check them out...

Hot Chip [Out at the Pictures]

Hot Chip [Ready for the Floor]

The other artist I've been enjoying is Santogold. They say she sounds like M.I.A., but I think it'd be more accurate to say she sounds like Tegan & Sara produced by M.I.A. It's pretty cool stuff. Here are few tracks I like...

Santogold [Creator]

Santogold [Shove it (feat. Spank Rock)]

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