the frisbee tournament was pretty cool on saturday. my makeshift team was doomed to fail. but i really just wanted to play. i know i'm not great at running, but why couldnt i be a substitute or something on my friends' team? (i mean, i do throw the frisbee better than your average bear, right?) they never even ask me if i want to play on things. i mean, it's not like they just stopped asking me, they just never did. i guess i just didnt think i was that bad of an athlete. oh well. TDC did really well. i put several of the day's pictures up on my main page. (nice job, elissa)
the roof party was good.
oh yeah. we learned to foxtrot and waltz on friday night before viewing KB2. as slow and lame as those are, it can be quite tiring after 2 hrs. this old couple, that taught us, could dance EVERYthing. you want funny. watch old people cha cha. that's good stuff.
i won a white LED underbody kit for $70 yesterday! i dont think it does any patterns, BUT here's why i optioned for this:
1] i dont know how long i'll have my current car. i'm in "talks" with my dad about another car once i acquire employment.
2] the one that did patterns would have cost me $130-$140, therefore, a 50% price reduction is enough incentive to get a step down (also see reason 1)
3] i dont know if the next owner of my car will want this. if they have no objections to it, i will probably leave it on my sable, therefore i'd rather not get a top of the line one (one that does 10 patterns) because if any of you have every wired something before, you'll understand me not wanting to remove something such as this that takes a lot of time to put on (not that i mind the time it takes to put stuff like this on. me accomplishing the installation is a big reason i love this stuff). anyhoo... i'm excited.
and i think white will look sweet (and not ghetto). plus i dont remember the last time i saw white lights under a car. seems classier to me :) it should look something like this...

(only it will be white rather of blue)
could be worse. i could be her. and you thought I was LED crazy! (well, that's a fair assumption)
got a huge test tomorrow that determines whether or not i pass this one class. i guess i should go to sleep instead of continuing to type this. yeah.
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