so this cat... locked up in my grandmother's garage the other day when my brother and dad were mowing. so we've been taking care of him(?). funny cat. he hisses all the time, but doesnt do anything else, just hisses. funny. as lame as it sounds being one of those people who thinks kittens and puppies are adorable, i just cant help it; i think they're adorable.
my white neon underbody kit wasnt working for a few weeks (because i was on vacation for a week). buti finally fixed it the other day (after a great deal of (unnecessary) trouble). turns out i ran the wires over the catalytic converter (which i could not have identified before now; nor could i have told you that it gets up to around 1000?F) which melted the wires and caused the fuse to blow (everytime). anywho, i got it fixed after a great deal of troubleshooting. and here it is... BAM.

yeah and my current job is really easy. i ride around middle TN checkin things out. i get to read a lot.
which is good.
one more thing. look at all these countries coming to my website! i love it.

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