i had a great weekend. jess and i went to gatlinburg with our church for a personal perogative christian conference (not to be confused with a fundamentals of christianity conference). millard fuller was the speaker. he's the founder and president of Habitat for Humanity. what an amazing guy. his speaking was definitely a blessing for me. it's very easy for me to get discouraged and lost motivation when i think about how small and insignificant i am in the grand scheme of things. i'll get to feeling like i'm not really making a difference if i'm not out doing mission work and stuff like that. like if i'm not out there doing great things for tons of people, what good am i doing. but this mr. fuller's speech (his life story, so to speak) really gave me hope. it helped me to realize that you can make such a huge impact on so many people, if you just listen for God, go where he wants you to go, and act when he wants you to act. it's as simple and being the best christian you can be everywhere you go because you just can't imagine who you'll cross paths with and what that person will learn from you and what they'll do with that knowledge. to make a long story short, this preacher in a very small georgian town had a major impact on Millard Fuller, and that lead to all of the great things he's done such as Habitat for Humanity. and HfH changes people's lives everyday all over the world. it's just an unbelievable chain of events. i think God really digs the Butterfly Effect. so i'm really going to start working on several things in my life because i want to be where God wants me to be. i hope i can.
me and millard

dont ask what was going on with my hair. jesse said it looked a duck.
2 tests and a project left.
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