okay, now it's tomorrow and we are still working on it. we went to get help from the teacher this morning and even he didnt know what was going on. anyway, i think we just got it. ridiculous.
so i just got back from the job fair and talking to a few companies. i now am motivated to get out of school. i cant wait to start working. i'm really leaning towards construction management. it's like i get to use my knowledge of practical engineering things in combination with managing skills, which is cool, because i like the fundamentals of engineering AND i think i'm good at managing things. remember cak in 5th grade or whatever when you took that test that told you what you should be when you grow up? well mine said management. AND i'd get to be working with people (which i think i like). anyway, it almost makes me wish i was graduating. oh well.
oh man! great new! that project that we just barely finished by 5pm was actually due at 4pm! haha. that's so awesome. ah well, who needs 15 points anyway? hahaha. i do.
i went to tampa, fl this past week(end) with the UT student chapter of ASCE. i had a great time. it was a great opportunity to get to know other students and teachers. and it helped me to realize that i actually don't hate engineeing (which is good because i would be feeling a bit of regret after all these years i'd put into it), i hate school. so that makes me happy too.
me and wes one 2nd place in the transportation competition

and me and matt and jamie (not pictures) won 5th in concrete frisbee

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