18 June 2004

crazy like a Firefox

for all of you out there in the market for a new web browser, i have a recommendation. Mozilla Firefox 0.9. and here are some reasons to do so (besides the fact that jeff will be you're new friend). it seems to be pretty nice and crap free. only time on the net will tell. but i say give it a whirl. jeff whittle would.

(however, currently, it does not display my blog correctly.)

oh YEAH. i'm not a big fan of online gaming, but this Matrix online game looks really awesome to me. as dumb as MMORPG's seemed to be from watching HG play, this one sounds really fun. you get to go around the matrix and gain skill and do missions and all sorts of cool stuff. i just dont think i'd be able to get my money's worth for $20/month. ah well.

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