18 June 2004

thank you Deborah Orin

sweet merciful crap! this is the greatest article i've read in the last couple months. the topic of this article is what i've been thinking about the whole time all of this stuff about the president "lying" about the reasons for the war in Iraq. okay, so maybe there IS no connection between Saddam and Bin Laden, does that mean that there's no justification for this war? that seems to be what the media proposes. they seem to get sidetracked so often during this war. can't they see past this minor intelligence "glitch" and understand that there is a much much bigger picture here; that the Iraqis have been suffering under Saddam's rule in ways we can't even fathom and that that time is over thanks to us? yeah, i know we're held to higher standards (but why? because the Iraqis aren't capable of such ways?), but this whole prison "scandal" is so ridiculous and inconsequential in the grand scheme of this war. i say, reconsider your pow policies, give these soldiers a slap on the wrist, and move on. i heard a guy (some lawyer or politician) say soemthing along the lines of... "this will be talked about and looked at 50 years from now." that was the final straw. what a moron. SHUT UP!

here it is plain and simple:

Reporters have to face up to the fact that right now, if we highlight the wrongs that Americans commit but not — out of squeamishness — the far worse horrors committed by others, we become propaganda tools for the other side.

thank you Deborah Orin

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