(courtesy of filabustercartoons.com)
there has to be an alterior motive behind all this Muslim madness, because their (publicized) reason(s) for all of this is incredibly lame and hypocritical. not to mention, just plain stupid. yeah, congradulations on furthering Muslim stereotypes of violence and hatred. way to show who the true 'spiritual leaders' of the world are. come on. i mean, why now? i dont get it. why are these cartoons the last straw? why are they being such hypocritical babies about free speech? obviously they can dish it out. so why can't they take it? and correct me if i'm wrong, but i have a feeling that Jesus is probably mocked just as much, if not more, than any other religious figure. however, where are the Christian riots? why aren't we burning down embassies and beating people up over it? perhaps it's (aside from it being contrary to God's will) because we don't live in the middle ages any more? i mean, i don't know, maybe? how can such a large group of people in our world today be convinced that acting in such a violent manner in response to anything that upsets them is okay to do? i'm flummoxed. and angry. and rather hungry too. this could be the hunger talking.
anyway, their whole reasoning just seems inconsistent. on the news last night i saw a Muslim guy here in, i guess Tennesse, say that the reason they were all so upset was because it's against their beliefs/morals/religion to depict Mohammed in any drawing whatsoever. it makes him closer to humans than what he is supposed to be. well i got news for you, guy, this is nothing new. and...
"...since no one really knows what Mohammed looked like -- any image could be said to depict him."so here's a good survey to take to make sure you aren't drawing Mohammed.
here's Iran's solution to the problem: Iran Paper Runs Holocaust Contest. honestly, go for it. this way Europe can show them how freaking absurd they are for the way they're acting by simply rolling with it like everyone else on the planet does. that's sort of the way free speech works. it's a give and take. apparently, a couple Arabs never got the memo on 'giving'.
this page has a bunch of really interesting points (there are many entries but i couldn't seem to link directly to the ones i wanted)
and you know, i don't like generalizing like this. i know that all Muslims aren't violent. i know they dont all support this. i know these things. but please, gimme something to work with here! what else are we given to go on? and while this whole thing does make me a bit angry, more than that it makes me sad. i feel so sorry for the all of these people. i wish there something i or anyone could do to take the blinders off them. i definitely know that more violence is not going to accomplish that.
anyway, sometimes nothing speaks louder than a humorous video: It's In The Koran
i saw Munich this weekend and it's very ...impactful. i dont think it helps my frustration with this.
life must've been pretty carefree before people knew what other people in the world were doing... all the time. i think i need to stop listening to NPR in the morning.
i claim a magenta jihad on this website!
i hope you kill yourself out of fear! or death!
magenta? ...that doesn't sound good.
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