Corey came to visit this weekend. we had a lot of fun. i've also lost my wallet, which is sort of fun. 2+2=? corey stole my wallet. i think. anyway, i went downtown sunday to take some pictures with the fisheye. it's tricky because you can't as easily visualize what the shot will look like like you can with a normal lens. you can stand in the same place and make the same shot look 50 different ways, thus leading to me walking around a lot with the camera to my face. i'm sure i looked local.

it was ella's birthday (today, but they celebrated it) sunday. the fisheye is so great for group shots. i love watching other people taking trying to get a shot and continually backing up till they get everything in, whereas i keep going closer and closer. kind of fun.

i've got more pictures to put up. more tomorrow i suppose.
Hey thanks for buying me that new computer, the Gucci purse, another ipod, and round for the whole bar...or should I thank your "lost" wallet.
chuckaby, you are going down.
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