friday night a couple of us went out to dinner with Mr. Cox (our old band director. and i do mean old. BOOYAH.) it was a lot of fun. we stayed out really late, which i didn't expect. BILLY was the first person to leave, so that says something (course i think he was leaving to get the new harry potter).

Let's get our facts straight... Chris was the first person to leave. And when I said I was going to go ahead and head to Wal-Mart, everyone else left at the same time. I assumed everyone was following me to get the new Harry Potter book. p.s. It was an amazing book!
i don't remember chris being there. besides, i'm pretty sure you said "i'm awfully tired guys and really would like to go to bed and read harry potter." then you just took off.
i believe scott will confirm this account.
I deny these allegations. Why is the media always out to get me?
my guess is it has something to do with your incredible trivia knowledge.
Good for people to know.
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