sorry. everything between jess and i is great. i just havent gotten around to writing that. my bad. yeah, we talked (for a LONG time :) ) and i think we both have at least a slightly better idea of where the other is coming from. so that's good. sorry i made you worry. it's all good.
i'm supposed to meet with the english teacher in charge of stuff at the grade school (down the road) tomorrow. hopefully, she let me talk to the kids and stuff everynow and then. i'd really like that. a lot. AND i went and talked to the language dept here on campus and i really think that may turn out well. i tried to explain to them that i'm interested in anything whether it be tutoring individuals or speaking to classes. i think they understood. i actually went to the grade school yesterday and i left with them thinking i wanted to be a teacher (so that didnt go as planned). so i got eszter (the int'l lady here) to write me a note explaining what i was doing and then i just gave them the note today. i'm excited. this whole language this is very provocative to me recently. with all the different ones and stuff. it's SO COOL. so it's time to capitlize on my english abilities. and hopefully i can take in some hungarian (and possibly others) while i'm at it.
so yeah, i went to a football game! there were no riots, but i guess you can't win em all.

the polish side kept lighting red flares. i cant believe they were allowed to do that. they were so bright even from the other side of the stadium (nepstadiom: people's stadium). it was pretty cool. on the hungarian side, during the anthem, EVERYone (cept me) held up hungary's flag. kind of inspiring. the game didnt last too long. 2 45min halves. clocks dont stop. Poland won, but only by 1 point... :) yeah. and then when we were leaving to go down to the subway, there were policemen decked out in riot gear stoppin everyone. i mean, these guys looked like they were ready to throw down at the drop of a hat. turned out they were only letting in like 100 people at a time or so, so that the subway station didnt get overloaded. but before i knew that i was baffled at what was going on. anywho.
i watched City of God the other night and it was wonderful. it was so intense and enthralling. i doubt anyone else reading this has every seen it, so... it's about gang life in this tiny ghetto town outside of Rio de Janeiro. and it was just amazing. totally shocking how these kids grew up in this life and it was just a cycle through the generations. and it was based on a true story. i highly recommend it to anyone. and it's in portuguese. so the subtitles is a must.
that is all.
KILL BILL comes out (here) thursday!
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