16 November 2004

second thoughts

i've been thinking more about those websites. i like that they're creating a medium for (relatively) positive interaction between peoples of the world, however, i dont like the motivation behind it. i dont like that everyone else in the world thinks that 51% of us are a bunch of Christian know-nothings. obviously i dont mind the Christian part (duh), but the fact is, THEY are the ones who dont know all the facts. not that anyone could know all of them (duh again) but i think there are a lot of things they have no idea of. not to mention the fact that a lot of them aren't Christians and therefore don't have the same values as many of us do. so yeah, it's great that the democrats/liberals in our country are apologizing on the rest of our behalfs, but i dont like the message that it sends about the rest of us.

here are 2 maps of interest. it just doesnt even look close.

the one on top is by state, while the one on the bottom is by county.

that's a lot of redneck born-again-Christians.

and these were just too good to leave off...
-robodump 1.0
-new citroen c4

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