28 November 2004

stupid Haloscan and it's 1000 character limit

(sorry jess, just two more cents from me.)

(not trying to publicize this or anything, but had to post my comments here because they were too long for haloscan.)

here are the comments from the previous entry:

ouch guys. maybe we could just stop talking out subjects we aren't too knowledgeable about.

talk to each other about it, but the public doesn't need to hear propaganda. any more.

todd and scott moore.
jet | 11.28.04 - 8:41 pm | #

i guess it would be nice to hear sammantha's side of it some time. i get jesse's side of it from her blog and this blog and i mean... lets just give her more credit than to say that whatever the problem is, its definitly all her fault. neither of them are perfect individually and its clear that they arnt perfect together as roomies,,, and i would say the same thing in jesse's defense if they wernt getting along and everyone said "how could anyone not get along with samantha!?"
just my two cents
scott | 11.28.04 - 6:53 pm | #

yeah, wisdom dies with...

im not saying jesse is a crappy person, but we're all people here and we all have the right to like or dislike each other for whatever reason.

its just not true to say that everyone is as gloriously radiant as st. jesse - and knowing this, how can any of us lesser mortals be expected to understand her greatness? such knowledge is too wonderful for me. obviously.

its samantha youre talking about and shes the one talking to at least me about this, so... yeah its heavy and its personal and all that. who could just not tell anyone about that? besides pat.

let's not act like there is simply no case to be had here on samantha's part.
todd | 11.28.04 - 1:51 am | #

thanks babe. you can say whatever you want. :*
jet | 11.26.04 - 2:27 pm | #

yeah, so i think if you got another cat that was as bitchin-awesome as Big-Studley, then i think this would solve everything.

don't you?

happy turkey day joshman. PEACE!
J-MAC-asaurus | 11.26.04 - 1:05 pm | #

and here are my comments:

first off, i agree with jon.

secondly, i dont think the sarcasm is warranted, todd. i'm not saying jesse is perfect (in fact, i never even hinted at that. i said, "how COULD anyone be so upset about living with jesse??") but i would put money on jesse being easier to live with than sam anyday. i've been around them. sam isn't nice to me either. i'm quite sure she'd ignore me completely if i didnt try to say something "funny" to try and get her to smile everytime. and i'm not quite sure how you just go with everything sam says 100%. especially after you've known her for so long. i'm not saying she's a liar by any means, i just think she (as do others) has a tendency to skew things a bit in her direction (and even more than that is how you take it and present it to jesse with your spin on it). perhaps instead of coming to jesse in a provoking manner about her roommate's dislike of her, you could encourage sam to simply to TALK to jesse. no, samantha isnt completely at fault here, yes, jesse has trouble confronting people about problems between her and them, but let's just do a straight up comparison here: who do you honestly think would be harder to coexist with? because if you think it's jesse for one second, i have to think you're absolutely crazy. i dont even think sam would say jesse.

and scott, i dont really recall jesse writing that much about her situation with sam in her blog at all (with the exception of the current entry). i understand you wanting this to be fair and all, but have you talked to either one of them about this? i'm not just saying all of this from a purely outside party view. i'm up there in their room from time to time (although i generally try to never be there when sam is because it seems to give her more to complain to jesse about), and what i'm talking about isnt just speculation off what i've heard. it's also what i've observed. and no, the fault doesnt lie entirely on sam, but... let's just put it like this, i honestly can't imagine anyone ever asking "how could anyone not get along with samantha!?" without expecting a laugh afterwards.

thanks for reading. hope you guys had fun in old Lone Star this weekend.

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