We'll be back in Kingston next week for the week and then back here for 2 weeks (and then back to Kingston for a week and back here for good).
Anywho, later. (These are all in our front yard, except for the waterfall. That's down the road and my first project is to build steps to it.)

It's so dark out where we are. The stars shine like I haven't seen in a long time. This is a 5min & 15min shot I took outside the house while we hung up laundry.

Also, we need movies! We live with a four year old and all he watches is Dora the Explorer, so we need something else for him (meaning something that WE like to watch too) (I'm thinking Pixar stuff and whatnot). AVI files on a DVD (that's what their player reads). Send them freely. Blockbusters/Action and kids stuff. That and music. I'll put the address up later.
I'll start working on the movies for ya! I have a copy of the Dark Knight I'm gonna send you. It's not perfect but it will definitely work.
I'll send Stephen King's "IT" to go along with The Dark Knight. That way,anytime you want Junior to leave you alone for awhile you just put on some clown make-up.
Don't let Jesse watch too much Dora...I've heard things.
thanks billy. that'd be awesome. we actually found a video-ed version of Dark Knight in the market. it wasn't amazing, but as good as you get pirated-wise. we're hoping to go see it tomorrow. i already watched the pirated version. what an awesome movie.
we try and keep Dora to a minimum.
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