13 September 2003

wow. what an awesome last 2 days. friday i spent time several hours working on my hungarian. so it's coming along. the most important words do far are "sima vis", which means tap water. these europeans and their carbonated water.

ANYWAY, friday night we went to this wine festival at this castle on a hill in the city. i couldnt stand any of the wine, but i found some grape juice that was EXQUISITE! i mean, this stuff made welch's taste like toilet water. unbelievable. so i spent all of my tasting tickets on grape juice refills. i'm so glad i have this fleece because it gets pretty chilly and the wind blows a lot and it tends to mist rain fairly often. but on our way back from the thing we missed the last tram by 10 min, so we had to walk about 2 mi back to our place. that sucked.

NOW, today was sports day! and guess what! FRISBEES WORK! it must have just been a bad day or something because they flew BEAUTIFULLY today. so that was awesome. really awesome. and football. these guys play soccer like crazy. so i tried my hand at it and it turned out okay. i was the goalie for EVERYone. first i started out as the goalie for my team and then these french guys asked me to play for them and so on. it was so great. i mean, EVERYone knew how to play. it was amazing. they just went to town. and then i threw frisbee more.

after going home and napping, me and 3 guys went out and ate gyros. then we headed to this int'l student party at this outside club/bar. it was really fun. there were so many people and there was music and everything. i had hungary's "national" drink, Unicum. it was awful, but i drank the whole thing anyway (it was only about a shot's worth of liquid). wow. that stuff hit me pretty hard (considering i havent been hit before). that little bit was enough to disorient me for an hour or so. luckily by the time we left i felt fine. it was funny how the foreign (actually domestic) kids had trouble finding english words when slightly intoxicated. good stuff. well its 3:40 now so i think i'll sleep.

this girl says she knows where a nondenominational christian church is! i'd go tomorrow but she doesnt "exactly" know, so i'll have to wait and find out later.

sleep well, america. i'll be missing you.

and you.

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