...is what i'd be saying if this weekend had in fact been lame. however, not only was it NOT lame but it was totally sweet. i got a keyboard for by birthday (i'm in the process of getting one, more specifically, but nonetheless!) which is freakin sweet. i love guitar, but i've missed piano a lot. i've never had one of my own to play on whenever (even the one we have at home, we didnt get till i was well into college, so i wasnt around to play it much). so we went around looking at keyboards on saturday (here's what i want) so we'll see how the search goes. (that keyboard will make you pee your pants. true story.)
and then... it snowed!

just kidding. that was several weeks ago. but we did go to the Oscars (Belcourt Edition)! it was a lot of fun. the tickets were $50 a piece (i think some of that went to local charities), but after going, the price was worth it. it was all you could eat and drink all night. and like i said, when i pay for an "all you can eat/drink event", you better know my health be damned, i'm getting my money's worth. and boy did it. i EASILY drank $50 worth of alcohol. and what a variety! vodka, wine, tequila, and beer (last, of course). all while feeling relatively good the next day (relatively, mind you). and it was a lot of fun watching the oscars on the movie screen.

2 greatest moments of the 2006 Academy Awards:
1) when Three 6 Mafia won for Best Original Song
2) when Crash beat out Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture

my gosh, that 3 piece suit looks stunning. (and jesse looked totally sexy too, but don't you look at her!)

they even had free valet parking at the event! which was great because it was raining. it's neat how all your different experiences in life make you appreciate the different positions people are in. in this case i'm refering to tipping. jesse tips a lot more than normal at restaurants because she used to waitress. the same is true for me when it comes to valets. i'm more than happy to tip a valet $5 for doing a good job because i've been there and i know the effort that goes into it and i know that a $5 tip is just always really nice to get.

we have sunsets in Tennessee too, todd. ("Nice alliteration.") ("Ah thank you.")
hey that snow wasn't on your bday weekend!
i know. i didn't have time to write about the pictures yesterday (but i will right now).
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