i thought this was a cool picture...

it's really cool going through an artist's entire discography. you really get a feel for their style and themes they like (and how much they've changed over time). today's artist has been favorite of mine: The Chemical Bros. since i no longer possess any of their CDs, i decided to download their entire history of CDs. (amazing how simple that is.) what an amazing set of albums. i highly recommend it (to anyone who has not heard the Chemical Bros. the rest of you don't need the recommendation.)
can't believe you haven't written about the last week...or 4 days. you and your only blogging about media.
huh. yeah.
no, i'm about to. i just wanted to wait till the event had run it's course. (and it's beginning to look that way.)
what the crap are you talking about?!
maybe it is and maybe it isn't.
i was refering to the keyboard incident, but i think jess was refering to the conflict betwixt her and i (in the last couple days). however, i have no intention of writing about the conflict betwixt her and i.
i believe the answer is "funky" "stuff." final.
that could be right...
soary josh...
all this infections disease stuff i'm doing in school when the phrase "run its course" went though my head i was thinking someone was sick...
you are bizarre.
dude! you cut me deep...
well i guess we'll all have to go to my blog, then, for the scoop. :)
i'm sorry, mad jess. i promise tomorrow will be as close to a half day as i can make it.
(plus i still owe you pizza hut. tomorrow?
you crazy old married people and your pizza hut... its always pizza hut this and pizza hut that... and i'm just SICK of it...
that is all.
what is this? "scott has nothing to do" day?
come on!
mom...dad...are you getting a divorce...will you still love me?
we're getting one if you don't shut your face hole.
sooo i was just checking the blog again and i thought i'd say hey!
HOLY crap...
heeey josh, whats up... just checking in...
you find something else to do right now!
oh hey guys... whats up? scott checking in here... OKGTGTTYLLOL!
what is this? BYOSOB hour?
HEY josh! long time no talk.. lol... BRB...
....OK i'm back... i had to go check my email LOL! OKTTYLBROBRB.edu
i'm not sure how you ban people, but i'm beginning to think it's worth looking into...
good one josh!
while you're working on that i'll just be hanging around here in your comments... see ya!
and here is a pre-emptive post... just for later...
scott here again... making sure everything is cool... keep up the good work!
juuuust checking in... whhaaats happening? not much huh? yeah thats pretty sweet... ok i'll see you around...
hey there josh-o! just making sure everyhting is going ok... its about 10:38... why havnt you called me?!
heeeey there josh... its about 2:30am and i just thought i'd get up and check your blog again... yep... juuuust check check checkn' it out... dont mind me!
gooood morning... just checking in here on the old josh blog... juuust checking around... byobrb
I stumbled on this last night, after a few too many drinks. And, it was the funniest thing I had ever seen (at the time). Thanks.
yeah josh... you are real funny! keep it up! WTGLOLBRBOKTTYL.gov!
scott checking in here...
no bird flu here...
carry on.
getting pretty late.... i guess i better go to sleep- just figured your comment section should be the last thing i visit before i go to sleep... you know... cause its the place to be...
(does anyone here have a vial of b.f. that i can borrow? shh...i want to give some of it to scott)
ooooooookay scott. you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
yeah.... must be closing time...
yeah.... must be closing time...
Is it closing time?
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