and yes, corey, your's doesn't look bad, but oh so many do. oh so many.
it's so hard to decide what picture says: I'm original, a little artsy, and quite a bit humorous, but the good kind of humorous; the kind you want to have at your parties because it's a subtle witty humor, not an in-your-face, look at me, i try too hard humor. originally, i considered:

needless to say, there were some reservations with this choice.
so whats the address to your myspace thing??
oh you'd like to know that wouldn't you?!
i'm afraid it won't come that easy mr. burka, if that is indeed your real name.
to find me you'll need to use all your powers of myspace deduction.
josh you piece of crap!
i want you to do something for me- go on myspace and try to find yourself...
you havnt entered anything like your AGE, or where you went to HIGH SCHOOL... there are over 500 results for josh hunter... first i seared from MJHS for everyone who graduated in 2000 and was male and was married... nope, not there... then anyone within 50 miles of mt juliet who was 23-25, male, and married... and you dont even
show up on those!!!! Youve gotta put in more information or people cant even begin to find you
thats all- have a good one! :)
and when i say try to find yourself, i mean- think like you are someone from high school who was thinking about you and only knows those things... when you graduated, how old you are, your marital status, where you live... they dont know your email... try to find yourself on those parameters...
okay okay. i updated the school thing. now ANYone can find me. but you did good scott.
uh. he only wants bands and me as his friends. that's why. SCOTTTTTTT.
I am fan of your creative names for yourself...Josh all I'm goin say is that picture is proof that Jesse is one lucky woman!
phhh. like you have to tell ME that.
I forgot to say that my myspace isn't just "not bad" but flippin sweet...there's cool colors..a fun quiz...unhealthy amount of information about me by me - I like to think of as insight into genius...and of couse smokin hot pics of me...I will dare to say it's much better than "not bad".
well... everyone's entitled to their own opinion. so THERE.
i'm lucky.some would say the Luckiest?
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