this is a picture i took this morning from my building window. pretty nice. nothing amazing. however, on my normal trip to adjust the white/black levels, i decided to try the "Equalize" option. i've done this once or twice and it mostly just messed up the picture, however, on this occasion, it did this...

holy crap. normally that just messes up the colors in a picture, but here! look at the saturation! how does it find those colors? it's a bit grainy, but add some blur and you get this:
here's another example:
another (more subtle) example (notice this one doesn't get grainy):
all i can guess is that the Equalize option is for a time and place (unlike adjusting the histogram). and apparently the place is the sky. now, go, explore... and equalize.
that IS amazing! good job. :*
why thank you, wifey!
yeah, good job. :*
why thank you, toddy!
yeah again, great job. :*
yeah i did do a great job! you guys should get me some presents!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
haha.(have you read my comments lately?!)
yeah that guy loves your site!
seriously though, turn on the comment verification.
so wait, you guys did actually think it was cool though, right?
yes Josh...you're quite talented and gifted. You have mad camera taking and editing skills...I have good luck taking shots but your shots are consitently wonderful! uhmm but can you change your profile picture...It's really disturbing...I know it's a joke from that British show you've been watching but it creeps me out!!!
well you dont have to lay it on so thick, i just thought it was a neat thing that everyone would like to know and see.
and that picture stays forever! look at the pure joy in his face! you can't fake that.
fine no more encouraging Josh...I wash my hands of it.
oooooweee, corey!
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