I could talk about it for a while (and probably will once I get it), but I’m mostly writing to document this last… month. It’s been stressful. And I wish I could blame it on anything or anyone other than me, but I don’t think I can. I’ve always known that I obsess over things past the point of being healthy, but it wasn’t till now that I realized how bad it was. I guess a couple weeks back I was at church and the whole time all I could think about was the keyboard or some factor involved with said keyboard. After that I realized that I was actually worshipping this tangible thing and that my priorities were way off from where they should’ve been. And it sounds really bad like I was bowing down to this keyboard or something. Obviously, that wasn’t the case, but because of my attitude and where I allowed my mind to wander, it was pretty much worship. So, that was really uncomfortable to learn.
Then, the next week, I almost lost $1200 from a scam on eBay. This really hurt my confidence in myself and others. I felt so stupid and embarrassed by the fact that I pretty much fell for this guy’s scam. It went as follows: I had bid on this keyboard and lost by one bid, then, a week later, I got an email from eBay about a 2nd chance offer (which I had never seen nor heard about before). Well, to make a long story short, because of my excitement at this possibility, I didn’t notice many things that should’ve been bright red warning flags on a normal day. And if it weren’t for one of my friends at work, I would definitely feel considerably more stupid than I do today.
eBay Lesson For the Day: if a questionable "eBay message" doesn’t appear in your “My Messages” folder in the “My ebay” section, it’s bogus; plain and simple.
So here I am now, tired and a bit shaken from this whole thing. In fact, I’m afraid to even let myself get excited until it’s in my hands and I’ve checked it out. Anywho, that’s not a very hopeful note to end this on, so how about this… it’s a verse a guy sent a scammer who tried to rip him off. I really like it.
Micah 2:1-3
Woe to you who lie awake at night, plotting wickedness; you rise at dawn to carry out your schemes; because you can, you do. You want a certain piece of land or someone else's house (though it is all he has); you take it by fraud and threats and violence. But the Lord God says, "I will reward your evil with evil; nothing can stop me; never again will you be proud and haughty after I am through with you."
How’s that for righteous indignation?
Actually, here are TWO positive notes to end on:
1.) God watches over us; even when we act stupidly and put Him on the backburner. (Even though I was mis-prioritizing, I was still praying about the decision fairly often.)
2.) I have the most awesome and understanding wife in the world. Jesse has shown me a great deal of respect and patience throughout this entire ordeal. I can only pray that I treat her as well as she did me in the future. Thank you, babe.
respect and patience aren't always my strong suits so. you're welcome. :*
will it be there by the time I get there on in May?
it get's here today or tomorrow!
i'll be an s90 master by May!
ok so I'm putting a request in for Ben Folds songs...learn and study them my friend!
(soon to be) done and done.
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