These days in which it starts out cloudy and misty are cruel. too cruel for me at least. I wake up, in a stupor, look out the window and see that it's cloudy and and fuzzy looking (i think the fuzzy is due in part to my lack of glasses). Anyway, so I rush over to the window to see if the ground is wet, i mean, it has to be right? i mean, it's cloudy for crying out loud! no. the answer is no. It's cloudy and foggy and not raining. Dang, it. However, for the first hour or so it generally feels pretty good out. Sometimes it even last all day, but when it doesnt, man o man, it is a ROUGH. Take today for example, everythings going well, when all of the sudden, BAM! sun peeks through and the temperature feels like it jumps 10°. Maybe the sun will go away, i say to myself. oh no. it's going no where. So 10:30 rolls around, the humidity's up to about 178%, the actual temp is about 80°, and i'm simply sitting there (doing nothing, i might add) sweating through every pore in my body. Life is good.
My partner, RJ, and worked with the RTK today (the GPS surveying equipment). That stuff pisses me off. I used to think it was great, but now i just hate it. It takes forever to set up all of the antennas and crap and then when you finally get it set up, you have to put up with it freaking out all the time. For those of you who dont know how GPS works, it's like this: Yeah, it uses satellites, but it has to have like 6 to 9 of them so that they can bounce signals off the little reciever you're carrying to another satellite and create an angle. Through several of these angles, it can tell, with fairly remarkable acccuracy, your location on the planet. When surverying with GPS, you have a set tolerance of how accurate you want the reading to be (usually within less than 0.10'). So when you are near trees or other tall objects that block signals, this thing wont take a shot and it makes you sit there until it "finds" itself on earth. Well today it pissed me off so much because I was sitting out in the middle of a field and it kept losing radio signal and it couldnt find it's location and all SORTS of crap. None of you have any idea how much this equipment costs. You wanna know? I could sell it and pay for 6 or 7 years of college. yeah. thats a lot. For that much money this piece of crap outta be making me sandwiches. unbelieveable.
Has anyone seen that scott signed my guestmap?? i thought that was cool! I sort of changed the little icon people to ones that i liked better. So you're person might be slightly different than originally posted as. my bad?
Well there went my possible nap time. crap.
OH. I know why i mentioned the whole GPS thing! It was because it's sort of a one man job once you get everything set up. You just walk around with a backpack and a pole and take shots wherever you want. So while RJ was off doing that, i sat and watched the equipment (because it's worth more than my life). Luckily I brought my bible with me today and I had enough time to read the entire book of John and some of Acts. I just cannot even begin to fathom what the Jews were thinking!? I mean, I can imagine some skepticism at first, but after them asking the same questions over and over again and getting the same answer from Jesus over and over again, you have to believe that these were mentally retarded people! I mean COME ON! How stupid can you be?? However, I think Joseph says that God blinded their sight and deafened their hearing so that they wouldn't believe what Jesus was saying. Now, I don't really understand this part. Why did God do this? Was it so that everyone else would have the chance of being saved too? And if so, were we not going to recieve that opportunity in the first place? If we were, then why blind them? Will they ever see? (I mean, how can a Jewish person today read the Bible and continue believing God's Son hasn't returned? Do they just disregard the bible?) This whole thing is just a little confusing to me. Anyway, other than the stupid Jewish people, it was a good book. I thought that Judas hung himself, but John writes that he bought a field with his reward and "fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out." I did not know that. It also said in there that once Judas took the bread from Jesus, Satan entered him, but i'm pretty sure it said that Judas had already made his choice before that.
I got a few chapters into Acts. I liked reading what Peter had to say to all of the groups. Particularly the "onlookers". I almost teared up when he said "You killed the author of life...". That was such a beautiful way of refering to Jesus. I don't think I've ever heard Him refered to in that way. The respect and honor in it is lovely.
sorry we didn't meet you for dinner, todd.
and Jesse. I love you more than life itself. no other girl means nearly as much to me as you do. I'm all yours, babe.
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