we went to the car show saturday. pretty fun. honda, subaru, and VW weren't there, but most others were. chrystler had a sweet new sports car coming out. the Firepower. dumb name, but sweet looking.

there were others but i dont feel like uploading them.
i think i'm going to get a fisheye lens. check this out...

i couldn't have been more than 2-3" away from my watch.
i dont if this comparison will mean anything to ANYone that reads this but check this out... i really want a wide-angle lens (mines 18mm which means i can theoretically take a picture as close as 18mm away). i was looking at a 12-24mm and this 10.5mm fisheye. my concern with the fisheye is that the picture would ALWAYS be fisheye weird when really i'd actually just want a plain super wide lens. well after taking pictures with the one at wolf camera...

i did some research and found out that there's "straightening" software that comes with the lens, in effect, doubling the use of the lens. wonderful. check out this comaparison i found (thank you, whoever did this):

how incredibly wide is that 10.5 even AFTER the cropping?? i think i'm sold.
more posts below!
I think you left a couple of important things out of your updates...Atlanta? Puppies? Easter?
sorry sorry. i had like a MILLION things to blog about and it was hard to remember everything. i'll get those in there.
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